Category Archives: Animal Ethics

Why Begin Again?

Why Being Again?

Shared with kind permission of Joanna Lucas.


“Celeste left this world entirely on her own. She had been forced into existence by human greed, she had been a prisoner of a crippled body all of her short life, but she exited entirely on her own terms, just before noon, one summer day.

Celeste, wherever you are, “Il y a longtemps que je t’aime, Jamais je ne t’oublierai.” “I’ve loved you for so long, I will never forget you”. This will be a life-filled year. Maybe not happy, maybe not comfortable, but beautiful, and true – like your life. Worth living. Worth beginning again.”

Joanna Lucas

Joanna also writes

“If living ethically is important to you, please remember that there is nothing humane about “humane” animal farming, just as there is nothing ethical or defensible about consuming its products. When confronted with the fundamental injustice inherent in all animal agriculture—a system that is predicated on inflicting massive, intentional and unnecessary suffering and death on billions of sentient individuals—the only ethical response is to strive to end it, by becoming vegan, not to regulate it by supporting “improved” methods of producing dairy, eggs, meat, wool, leather, silk, honey, and other animal products. For more information, please read The Humane Farming Myth. Live vegan and educate others to do the same.”

Please read my disclaimer about external sites, social media groups, organisations, products, individuals mentioned or that appear on this site.


Animal Cruelty: Who is to Blame?

Animal Cruelty: Who is to Blame?

Part of a slow release of already existing episodes.

Shared with kind permission of Angel Flinn, Director of Outreach at Gentle World (A vegan intentional community) and UVE Archives.

Please read full disclaimer about external sites, individuals, groups, products, social media, organisations that are mentioned or that appear on How To Go Vegan

Release #5


Becoming Vegan: My Personal Experience: Start Here

cropped-HTGV-header-3.pngThe 2nd in my slow release of already existing podcast episodes.


Welcome Friends to “How To Go Vegan” Podcast. I just want to preface this by saying that I’m so glad you’ve dropped by this site. I’m sure for some, the topic of veganism may be very new. And what I present here will be very different to what we might encounter generally. Usually veganism is presented in a very human-centric anthropocentric way today. If you have not thought about this issue before, it may even seem a little bit scary for some, but trust me, being vegan really is much easier than it’s often made out to be.

So some may ask why create this abolitionist vegan resource in podcast form? As far as I know there isn’t one in existence to assist new vegans. I thought it might be beneficial for those who prefer obtaining information via podcasts to hear a rather informal presentation of veganism in a clear and personalised way by someone who has been vegan since early 2005 and abolitionist since mid 2009. I thought it might be helpful if one can also hear a friendly voice and be able to listen to various podcast episodes in one’s own time. I decided I would start with a personalised informal introduction to my becoming vegan just to give those who are thinking about becoming vegan or who have an interest in knowing more about it, the opportunity to hear a personal take on it.

What do I cover in this episode?

In this episode I briefly explain the difference between being vegan and abolitionist vegan and I go into more depth in other episodes on this site but for now, I’ll start by talking just a little about what the catalyst was for my deciding to become vegan and what subsequent steps I took to bring myself in line with that ethical position; what the trigger was which made me decide I needed to immediately stop eating animal products and stop participating in the exploitation of animals. Then I’ll talk a little on how I removed animal products from my diet and how I stopped using animals in my life, and I’ll touch on nutrition. Then I’ll talk generally about what it’s like to be vegan, what we should avoid and I chat a little about why I became an abolitionist vegan 4 years after I became vegan.

Thanks for listening. 🙂


About episode content in this podcast:
88x31 Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs

Release #2


Why Vegan? Start Here

Being vegan is easier HTGV

If animals love life as we do and they are sentient (have self awareness and so forth), then exploiting and using them for trivial reasons (which is what we use them for) is unjust.

We can go vegan right now. We just first need to get in clear in our mind why we should go vegan and then the rest is easy.

I invite you to listen to all the various episodes in this podcast and I hope they will assist you in becoming vegan. It will be one of the best decisions you make in your life. It certainly was for me  🙂

About episode content in this podcast:

88x31 Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs

Release #1
